Cora: Heehee! Hi Sherris, it's nice to meet you <3 This isn't the first time I've been called Sugarplum *giggles* Bhudo's codename for me back in the day was "sugarplum fairy". Do I really look that yummy hmm? Teehee!
Cora: This is Meryl.. she's sleeping for a few days until some kind of..... binding... wears off? I don't know much about these things really.... right now after the big ordeal she's been through I'm just glad she's home!
Cora: A dancer? Wow that sure sounds like a lot of fun! A tease dance? What exactly kind of dance is a tease dance? I haven't really heard of it before... Eden has mentioned times when i've "looked like a stripper" but to be honest I'm not really sure what that is either... I guess you could say I live a rather sheltered life!! Err... that is a bit of an understatement actually x.x
Cora: I'm not really good at dancing... I tend to trip over myself alot. Eden though is a really great dancer!! She dances ballet and ballroom and jazz... well she's just fantastic, it really is her skill though she never wants to do it anymore or talk about it.... the only way I hear about it is through Locke... and if Locke is complimenting her about something then she just has to be really really really good!!
Cora: But I AM good at taking my clothes off!! Let that be a known fact I have been told by several people that I am very skilled at getting undressed! In fact the quickest I've completely disrobed is 2.3 seconds!! I would say that is a skill!!
Cora: *giggles* Perky breasts? Well I will take pride in that since I'm a mother... and... *looks distant a moment* nevermind. Anyway I'm really flattered that you think I'm sexy.. heehee... the boys tell me that alot but I really like hearing it from other girls *wink*. P is very nice at complimenting me like that but she mostly calls me prettiful and little cute things.... not such mature grown-up compliments as yours heehee!!
Cora: You look so beautiful in that dress Sherris, it is really something else. I hope that someday you will show me some of your dancing costumes, especially since I'm assuming they are a little risque! *wink* Heehee! I hope to hear back from you soon! Byebye!!
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