Adela: Well well... welcome to The Manor, my dear uncle Belial. Have you arrived to watch Cirque De Xerxes? Or could it be that you've just decided you wanted to see your worthless little niece...
Belial: Greetings niece....though my reasons for being here, really are not anyone's business...
Adela: AKA you are here to watch the fireworks... does my father know you're around?
Belail: smirked a little~ as if my younger brother cares at all to what i do....but no...your father does not know I am here....not yet...I heard you are going to wed Leviathan...your brother..
Adela: *looked down at her teacup* So it seems. It's not like I have a choice in the matter...
Belial: since when does anyone's opinion ever matter to your father..
Adela: Never I suppose..... I guess he just doesn't get it that perhaps I don't desire to be married or to pop out grandchildren for him.
Adela: *looked over towards the edge of her desk* Or perhaps it occurs to him that all of his suitors have been less then par and perhaps I am just ill-matched for anyone.
Adela: *reached for her phone that was beeping* Obnoxious... I don't even want to know who it could be. I just want to be left alone...
Belial: Yet you know that he will not listen....hes a stubborn hes always been...and he does not see that no one would ever be your equal
Belial: and forcing you into this marriage is a joke...though he is pride...and all he cares about is his own..
Adela: ... you think it's a joke then as well. I'm glad we agree... though I'm a little startled when my uncle begins to show more care for me then my own father...
Belial reached out picking the phone up and staring at it for a moment, before making it hang up~ I dont care what anyone thinks...
Adela: Neither do I.
Belial: .... I don't normally accept guests into my fortress...
Belial: slipping her phone into his jacket pocket~ you know you could always run away...he wouldn't think to look there of all places..
Adela: *watched him leave* .... maybe.
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