Dmitri: *sat on the couch, thinking and talking to himself in russian* Я мог бы реально использовать некоторые женщины компания....
Kaede: Why helloooo there~ Dmitri right? Do you remember my name?
Dmitri: Crazy сука? I mean... Kaede..?
Kaede: That's right~! My name is Kaede... I'm Cami's friend from school. Althought currently we're rather schoolless since we got expelled recently >.>
Dmitri: I haven't been in school for a few years...
Kaede: *pets Dmitri's head* You're not that much older then us are you? You are too cute to be too old...
Dmitri: Just a few years older... you certainly look alot more... mature... then the tender age of sixteen that you are...
Cami: *walks in, her face turning into an irritated scowl* Oh and what the hell is this?! Some cute little date I've wandered upon??
Kaede: Yep!
Dmitri: Maybe. I was just talking to Kaede about.... adulthood...
Cami: Scoot your big ass over Kaede - I'm sitting here!
Kaede: Ouch! I'm squished sitting here in the middle....
Cami: Then get the hell up and move!
Dmitri: Well... you can switch places with me if you like.
Kaede: Ooookaaay~! *crawls over Dmitri's lap, headed for the other side of the couch*
Dmitri: Hmm... *watches her butt as she does so*
Cami: Don't make your barbaric tendencies so fucking obvious Dmitri!!
Dmitri: If you're jealous you can crawl across my lap as well...
Cami: HA! Don't make me laugh!
Dmitri: But... you just said "ha!" so I did already.
Kaede: Mmm ziing!
Cami: KAEDE! Shut that godforsaken trap of yours before I shut it FOR YOU!!
Kaede: "Do not go gentle into that good night" huh? Nice tats... where did you get them?
Dmitri: That one I got in a normal shop.
Kaede: Well what about the rest of them... some of them look pretty unprofessional.
Dmitri: The one on the back of my neck is the same shop... the rest of them.. are from prison.
Kaede: PRISON?! Whooa! Cool! You must be a badass.
Cami: BADASS? Hardly! Prison?! I doubt it! Such tall tales you tell Dmitri, in order to impress such a simple minded girl.
Kaede: *ignoring Cami* What were you in for?
Dmitri: .......... I murdered my grandfather.
Cami: COME ON! How many more lies are going to spill out of your mouth?! I can hardly believe the Dmitri I knew would grow up into such a filthy liar!!
Kaede: Oh my god.... MURDER!.... THAT IS SO AWESOME..!!
Dmitri: *talking to Cami* Of course I don't think a simpleminded girl wouldn't understand the real harshness of the world.
Cami: If that is a stab at me then you have failed utterly as usual. I am hardly simple-minded - such a simplemindedness would have easily fallen for your lie.
Kaede: Let's think of the implications of me sitting next to a real hardcore murderer... and one my age and pretty hot too...!! >.> Hmmm!!
Kaede: .... HEY WAIT A MINUTE! Did you just call simpleminded?!
Cami: I call it as I see it, my dear friend.
Kaede: If I'm so damn simpleminded why are you always COPYING MY HOMEWORK!!
Cami: School is designed for the simpleminded.
Dmitri: *puts his arms around them* Ladies...! Ladies... there's not need to quarrel. Why can't we just sit here and enjoy each other's company.
Kaede: I'm cool with that >.>
He knows he's a pimp >.>
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