Iram: Well how about that.. so you do clean up rather well.
Adela: Fuck you Iram.
Iram: I take you out to dinner and you are already handing out an invitation - stop being so easy.
Adela: Ohohoho! *dripping sarcasm* Very funny you stupid bastard.
Iram: So are you going to tell me what is going on with you or what.
Adela: It's none of your business...
Adela: But since you asked... I'm simply sick of my father trying to choose my life for me.
Adela: I do whatever I please damnit!!
Iram: Then keep doing what you please. Your father doesn't have to live your life - you do. So make your own choices.
Adela: You don't understand my father... or the kind of culture we come from.
Iram: It's hard for me to understand marrying your own brother... on Gaer that is completely taboo.
Adela: How the hell did you find out about that?!
Iram: Oops.
Adela: *throws her glass* YOU WERE FUCKING SPYING ON ME?!
Iram: *dodges* Not me. Someone else... and come on don't get so damn upset over it.
Iram: You could always marry me you know.
Adela: That is it! I am LEAVING.
Iram: Damnit Adela! I am paying for your goddamn food the least you can do is finish out your free meal!!
Adela: *picks at her food* Fine.
Iram: Are you making sure it's dead?
Adela: .... I lose my appetite when I think about what he is telling me to do.
Iram: Then don't think about it for now.
Adela: Easier said then done... your future isn't the one being decided without your permission...
Iram: God if I knew you were just going to whine at me the whole time I wouldn't have asked you out... I mistook you for the type that would not sit around and let things happen.
Adela: *growls* DO you WANT to fucking get stabbed with this fork?!
Iram: Now you're back to the Adela I admire so much.
Adela: *starts to sniffle* I just... don't want to....
Iram: Sheesh... is this date really bad enough that it's making you cry?
Adela: Well the food was good but I don't think I can say the same for the company.
Iram: Same.
Adela: Okay well thanks for walking me to the door or whatever.
Iram: Can I at least come in?
Adela: Um no. Definately not.
Iram: Well okay then..
Adela: But I SUPPOSE I'll permit you to kiss me goodnight.
Iram: Okay see you- what.. really?
Adela: Did I fucking stutter or what?!
Iram: No.
Adela: *turning red* Well then get on with it already you dumbass!!
Adela: *turns away quickly* Okay now get the hell out of here before my dad comes out and banishes you to the greater abyss. *goes inside*
Iram: *to himself* That damn woman is driving me insane....
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