NOTE from LOVELOVEKITTY: Finally done! Enjoy. I'm x-posting this in The Manor as well.

Adela: I was lied to....

Hannibal: What's it?

Adela: I was damn near guaranteed that this housewarming party wouldn't be attended by any freaking.... uninvited guests.
Hannibal: What's yer big deal about it? *quietly* We're here to keep an eye on Xerxes... ya know he don't remember anything anymore and he's in a weak state right now.... we can't have him out in the open like this in case... certain individuals find out about it...

Adela: God I'd wish he'd stop glancing over here...!!

Iram: ........and that's the way I see it. We could make a huge profit if we can just get the right backer for that script.
Vaieh: Sounds interesting
Vincent: hmmmm....send it my way and we'll see what I can do

Adela: *clink* Maybe drinking more will solve my problems... >.>

Xerxes: ~thoughts running through his head "thats.....that one guy...that ended up sleeping in my bed....pervert...."

Adela: Argggh... I am totally not sticking around for this shit all night.

Iram: * watching closely thinking* .........heh. Soon baby....soon.

Xerxes: Vai...Polaris looks a little...I don't know....stiff?
Vaieh: I'll see to it. * moves away with a small smile*

Vaieh: *thinking* Why do I feel something's wrong here? * pulls Polaris out of his seat*

Vaieh: Oblige me Morningstar, dance with me please.
Polaris: of course Vai...I would be honored

Osirus: * growls* so once again...he is here ~staring at Polaris, observing for the time being what is happening~

Eliza: ~softly~ Master......your smothering...

Osirus: ~tilted his gaze a little at her, keeping his Aura in check a bit, narrowing his eyes~ waste of time...

Bhudo: * mutters * Elders I hate parties. This would be so much more bearable if Corina were here.

Ryll: I have to agree with him on that. Vaieh needs me here though. Hope some of the others can make it too.

Eden: So Bhudo. Where exactly is Cora tonight?
Bhudo: I have no idea. I've been searching for her since her disappearance nearly ten human years now.
Eden: Disappearance...?!?! What the hell are you talking about?!?!
* a large crash is heard*

Vai/Polaris: Elders!/Huh?

Vincent: ~glances down at Iram, shaking his head a little, a smirk on his face~ To much to drink?

Iram: * very softly* What is Adela doing?
Eden: What!!?? V, what the hell is going on? Where is Cora?! She was supposed to be with you!!

Hannibal: Lalalaala~ *swaggers around*

Hannibal: * singing badly* Deh do be deeo
Eden: Cora.... disappeared.... oh god... what the hell has happened to her...!?

Hannibal: *drunkenly* Pretty senorita!! I beg for yer attention!!

Hannibal: Warm lap is warm!!!

Hannibal: I'll just lay here for a while.... >.>

Eden: Damnit Hannibal.. you are hopeless now shut up!! Where IS Cora, V?!
Hannibal: Zzzzzz...

Vincent: * puts his glass down* Wait a minute...what? I thought she was with you or at the Lair.

Eden: There is... no fucking way... Cami said... she was with you and that she was just... too busy.. I've been getting letters from her... how is it possible that I've been getting letters from her if she's been MISSING?!

Vincent: But, I've been getting letters too...supposedly from the Manor and the Lair.

Vincent and Eden: *simultaneously realizing* ............Cami

Polaris: Iram are you ok? I think V is a little distracted right now.

Iram: * softly* scram already Morningstar. It's a ruse to bring her to me.
Polaris: *whispers* here she comes

Adela: What is the matter Iram? Stumbling drunk already? I should have figured you would be so low-class.
Iram: Figured I'd join you but you got a head start on me. I had to physically lower myself to your level.
* doorbell rings*

Adela: You disgust me...

Adela: This party is a drag... I'm leaving...

Adela: Enjoy your date with the floor.
Iram: Adela. Wait! Don't leave yet.

Xerxes: Could have told you that wouldn't work with her. She...seems a tough one...
Iram: I'm here to protect you. My interests can wait.

Vincent: *sits down in disbelief, having believed that Cora had not wanted to see him for ten years because of the issues they were having concieving a child and now realizing that everything had been some kind of ruse*

V: I can't... believe this....

Vaieh: Ryll look, Bara made it. He's here for the whole band. They couldn't make it tonight.
Bara: Hey Ryll. Leslie sends his regards.
Hannibal: .....! *completely sober* Fucker..!!

Hannibal: *runs and grabs X's hand* We're goin. Now.

Xerxes: Huh? Wha...? ~whimpers~ hey stop you pervet! unhand me!

Hannibal: *reaches down, grabbing and tossing the coffee table at Bara*

X: though lets himself be pulled from his seat, not really sure why, but not really fighting like he usually would as something tells him to do it~

Bara: * automatically deflects the table away from him into the wall as Osirus and Eliza disappear *
Cami: Shit.

Xerxes: Hey wait! Where are you taking me?
Hannibal: Ya and me are goin' for a walk.

Hannibal: *hurriedly slams and elbow into Bara's face*

Bara: ungh * falls unconscious*
Vaieh: Bara!

Eden: What the hell?
Bhudo: Camilla!

Eden: How the hell did you even get here...
Cami: A cab. Durr..
Eden: You have got some serious talking to do.

Eden: *freaking out* Where the hell is your MOTHER?! She's been missing for these ten years?! How is that possible.. I got letters...!! Why didn't YOU TELL ME?!
Cami: I wrote the letters. And I didn't tell you because there was nothing to tell. She left and that was that...
Eden: She wouldn't have just... your mother has problems you don't even know about!!
Cami: Don't presume to tell me what I do or don't know about!!

Vincent: ~trying his best not to get upset~ Cami why would you even think to do something like this?
Cami: what do you care?

Cami: So she wandered off... filing a missing person's report wouldn't be a smart idea - and you know the reason why THAT is - there really isn't anything to do.
Eden: She's your mother Cami... how can you... just not care...
Cami: Oh I cared. But I didn't care to be smothered by the likes of all of you just because she was gone.

*Bhudo touches the broken wall and watches dispassionately as it repairs itself*

V: We could have gone out... we could have searched for her... all this time I thought she wouldn't see me because she was upset... about...
Cami: Oh boohoo. Go cry about it somewhere else.
Eden: You told me that V wouldn't let me see her.
V: And you told me that Eden wouldn't let me see her!!
Eden: The two of us have been fighting for years because you lied to us when we could have been working together to find your MOTHER.

Cami: She got upset after a fight with V and wandered off... I sent the letter to Eden telling her that my mother wanted to stay with V and that he didn't like the influence Eden was having on her and purposefully blocked all your phone calls until you gave up. To V I sent a letter from my mother saying they needed some time apart so she could sort things out and that she was moving between the Lair and The Manor. I made you all fight so you wouldn't go out and find her - so I could be free to do as I pleased with minimal supervision.
V: So you sacrificed your mother's safety and well-being for your own selfish desires?!
Cami: She's not dead in a ditch somewhere. She's alive... out there... somewhere. Believe me we'd know if she's dead.
Eden: She could be locked up or...!!
Cami: I have reasons to believe my mother is safe. But your freaking out and contacting the authorities would have put her in danger of not being so.

Bhudo: I can't take any more of this. I need to find my heria. * leaves the room angrily*

Cami: .....whatever.

Eden: You don't even understand... how could you do that your own mother?!
Cami: I don't know... you haven't heard Dmitri since Niko ran off with him to Russia that one time - maybe you should ask him.
Eden: *hisses, becoming very upset* Don't even BRING that into this!! That is... Niko is a bastard and I will hate him for all eternity for... for stealing my son from me..!!
Cami: Boohoo.

Eden: That's it.. I can't take anymore of this... we need to find Cora. We have to.

Vincent: I honestly cant believe you would lie like this to all of us Camilla Rose...
Cami: Don't presume to think you can tell me what to do! Your not my father!

Vincent: are so fucking grounded....
Cami: Unhand me.

Cami: You can't ground me!
Vincent: I'll call Vai and make my apologies tomorrow but we're going home right now.

Ryll: Vaieh, I'm sorry. Everything went badly very quickly didn't it?
Vai: *sighs* I had a feeling
Bara: * stirs* Ungh. Man he hits hard.

Bara: he can hit me any time though if your lap ends up being my pillow though
Ryll: * rolls his eyes* I'm going. Bara maybe you should come with.
Bara: Nah. I'm staying here.

Bara: * offers his hand* Help you up?
Vaieh: * takes his hand then sits in a nearby chair* Ah well. It was getting boring anyway.

Bara: don't say that. It's not true.
Vai: .......I just bought this place

Bara: things could be worse
Vaieh: I need to call a contractor.

Bara: Hahahaha I'll help you clean up this mess.

Adela: I was lied to....
Hannibal: What's it?
Adela: I was damn near guaranteed that this housewarming party wouldn't be attended by any freaking.... uninvited guests.
Hannibal: What's yer big deal about it? *quietly* We're here to keep an eye on Xerxes... ya know he don't remember anything anymore and he's in a weak state right now.... we can't have him out in the open like this in case... certain individuals find out about it...
Adela: God I'd wish he'd stop glancing over here...!!
Iram: ........and that's the way I see it. We could make a huge profit if we can just get the right backer for that script.
Vaieh: Sounds interesting
Vincent: hmmmm....send it my way and we'll see what I can do
Adela: *clink* Maybe drinking more will solve my problems... >.>
Xerxes: ~thoughts running through his head "thats.....that one guy...that ended up sleeping in my bed....pervert...."
Adela: Argggh... I am totally not sticking around for this shit all night.
Iram: * watching closely thinking* .........heh. Soon baby....soon.
Xerxes: Vai...Polaris looks a little...I don't know....stiff?
Vaieh: I'll see to it. * moves away with a small smile*
Vaieh: *thinking* Why do I feel something's wrong here? * pulls Polaris out of his seat*
Vaieh: Oblige me Morningstar, dance with me please.
Polaris: of course Vai...I would be honored
Osirus: * growls* so once again...he is here ~staring at Polaris, observing for the time being what is happening~
Eliza: ~softly~ Master......your smothering...
Osirus: ~tilted his gaze a little at her, keeping his Aura in check a bit, narrowing his eyes~ waste of time...
Bhudo: * mutters * Elders I hate parties. This would be so much more bearable if Corina were here.
Ryll: I have to agree with him on that. Vaieh needs me here though. Hope some of the others can make it too.
Eden: So Bhudo. Where exactly is Cora tonight?
Bhudo: I have no idea. I've been searching for her since her disappearance nearly ten human years now.
Eden: Disappearance...?!?! What the hell are you talking about?!?!
* a large crash is heard*
Vai/Polaris: Elders!/Huh?
Vincent: ~glances down at Iram, shaking his head a little, a smirk on his face~ To much to drink?
Iram: * very softly* What is Adela doing?
Eden: What!!?? V, what the hell is going on? Where is Cora?! She was supposed to be with you!!
Hannibal: Lalalaala~ *swaggers around*
Hannibal: * singing badly* Deh do be deeo
Eden: Cora.... disappeared.... oh god... what the hell has happened to her...!?
Hannibal: *drunkenly* Pretty senorita!! I beg for yer attention!!
Hannibal: Warm lap is warm!!!
Hannibal: I'll just lay here for a while.... >.>
Eden: Damnit Hannibal.. you are hopeless now shut up!! Where IS Cora, V?!
Hannibal: Zzzzzz...
Vincent: * puts his glass down* Wait a minute...what? I thought she was with you or at the Lair.
Eden: There is... no fucking way... Cami said... she was with you and that she was just... too busy.. I've been getting letters from her... how is it possible that I've been getting letters from her if she's been MISSING?!
Vincent: But, I've been getting letters too...supposedly from the Manor and the Lair.
Vincent and Eden: *simultaneously realizing* ............Cami
Polaris: Iram are you ok? I think V is a little distracted right now.
Iram: * softly* scram already Morningstar. It's a ruse to bring her to me.
Polaris: *whispers* here she comes
Adela: What is the matter Iram? Stumbling drunk already? I should have figured you would be so low-class.
Iram: Figured I'd join you but you got a head start on me. I had to physically lower myself to your level.
* doorbell rings*
Adela: You disgust me...
Adela: This party is a drag... I'm leaving...
Adela: Enjoy your date with the floor.
Iram: Adela. Wait! Don't leave yet.
Xerxes: Could have told you that wouldn't work with her. She...seems a tough one...
Iram: I'm here to protect you. My interests can wait.
Vincent: *sits down in disbelief, having believed that Cora had not wanted to see him for ten years because of the issues they were having concieving a child and now realizing that everything had been some kind of ruse*
V: I can't... believe this....
Vaieh: Ryll look, Bara made it. He's here for the whole band. They couldn't make it tonight.
Bara: Hey Ryll. Leslie sends his regards.
Hannibal: .....! *completely sober* Fucker..!!
Hannibal: *runs and grabs X's hand* We're goin. Now.
Xerxes: Huh? Wha...? ~whimpers~ hey stop you pervet! unhand me!
Hannibal: *reaches down, grabbing and tossing the coffee table at Bara*
X: though lets himself be pulled from his seat, not really sure why, but not really fighting like he usually would as something tells him to do it~
Bara: * automatically deflects the table away from him into the wall as Osirus and Eliza disappear *
Cami: Shit.
Xerxes: Hey wait! Where are you taking me?
Hannibal: Ya and me are goin' for a walk.
Hannibal: *hurriedly slams and elbow into Bara's face*
Bara: ungh * falls unconscious*
Vaieh: Bara!
Eden: What the hell?
Bhudo: Camilla!
Eden: How the hell did you even get here...
Cami: A cab. Durr..
Eden: You have got some serious talking to do.
Eden: *freaking out* Where the hell is your MOTHER?! She's been missing for these ten years?! How is that possible.. I got letters...!! Why didn't YOU TELL ME?!
Cami: I wrote the letters. And I didn't tell you because there was nothing to tell. She left and that was that...
Eden: She wouldn't have just... your mother has problems you don't even know about!!
Cami: Don't presume to tell me what I do or don't know about!!
Vincent: ~trying his best not to get upset~ Cami why would you even think to do something like this?
Cami: what do you care?
Cami: So she wandered off... filing a missing person's report wouldn't be a smart idea - and you know the reason why THAT is - there really isn't anything to do.
Eden: She's your mother Cami... how can you... just not care...
Cami: Oh I cared. But I didn't care to be smothered by the likes of all of you just because she was gone.
*Bhudo touches the broken wall and watches dispassionately as it repairs itself*
V: We could have gone out... we could have searched for her... all this time I thought she wouldn't see me because she was upset... about...
Cami: Oh boohoo. Go cry about it somewhere else.
Eden: You told me that V wouldn't let me see her.
V: And you told me that Eden wouldn't let me see her!!
Eden: The two of us have been fighting for years because you lied to us when we could have been working together to find your MOTHER.
Cami: She got upset after a fight with V and wandered off... I sent the letter to Eden telling her that my mother wanted to stay with V and that he didn't like the influence Eden was having on her and purposefully blocked all your phone calls until you gave up. To V I sent a letter from my mother saying they needed some time apart so she could sort things out and that she was moving between the Lair and The Manor. I made you all fight so you wouldn't go out and find her - so I could be free to do as I pleased with minimal supervision.
V: So you sacrificed your mother's safety and well-being for your own selfish desires?!
Cami: She's not dead in a ditch somewhere. She's alive... out there... somewhere. Believe me we'd know if she's dead.
Eden: She could be locked up or...!!
Cami: I have reasons to believe my mother is safe. But your freaking out and contacting the authorities would have put her in danger of not being so.
Bhudo: I can't take any more of this. I need to find my heria. * leaves the room angrily*
Cami: .....whatever.
Eden: You don't even understand... how could you do that your own mother?!
Cami: I don't know... you haven't heard Dmitri since Niko ran off with him to Russia that one time - maybe you should ask him.
Eden: *hisses, becoming very upset* Don't even BRING that into this!! That is... Niko is a bastard and I will hate him for all eternity for... for stealing my son from me..!!
Cami: Boohoo.
Eden: That's it.. I can't take anymore of this... we need to find Cora. We have to.
Vincent: I honestly cant believe you would lie like this to all of us Camilla Rose...
Cami: Don't presume to think you can tell me what to do! Your not my father!
Vincent: are so fucking grounded....
Cami: Unhand me.
Cami: You can't ground me!
Vincent: I'll call Vai and make my apologies tomorrow but we're going home right now.
Ryll: Vaieh, I'm sorry. Everything went badly very quickly didn't it?
Vai: *sighs* I had a feeling
Bara: * stirs* Ungh. Man he hits hard.
Bara: he can hit me any time though if your lap ends up being my pillow though
Ryll: * rolls his eyes* I'm going. Bara maybe you should come with.
Bara: Nah. I'm staying here.
Bara: * offers his hand* Help you up?
Vaieh: * takes his hand then sits in a nearby chair* Ah well. It was getting boring anyway.
Bara: don't say that. It's not true.
Vai: .......I just bought this place
Bara: things could be worse
Vaieh: I need to call a contractor.
Bara: Hahahaha I'll help you clean up this mess.
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