Purgatory hums to herself as she plays with the gold buttons on the boots that
Seraphiel wears, not overly paying attention to the situation being currently
Seraphiel: well.....this is a nice little home you've found here...
Anael lets a sigh, his fingers figgiting with his gloggles, obviously wanting to speak
more on the issue at hand, not pleased that she seems to have forgotten that part~
Sage: ~makes a disgust noise~ why are we even wasting our time on this subject...
you know its not worth it..
Anael: ........................enough...
Sage: No!...shes human! A mortal! What on high heaven has gotten into that so
far off brain of yours...this is almost as bad as that damned bastard who thinks
he can just keep me locked in his room forever....I should just claw out his eyes
the next time he thinks he can get anywhere with me..
Seraphiel: You two are like the sun and the moon...complete opposites....nothing
seems to have changed....but you are my children...and unique in your own way...
Cass....be calm....let your brother speak...
Purgatory: ~making playing noises~ its Mopa! Dun Dun Dun...run run away!its
got my leg! no!
Anael: And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies...And all the lovers with no
time for me...And all of the mothers raise their babies...To stay away from me And
pray they don't grow up to be...
Anael: I am God’s gift but why would he bless me with...such wit without a conscience
equipped... My words are my faith to hell with our good name....When the world is
crashing down...
Seraphiel: Alright then....lets get down to business then shall we....dont want to
eat up to much of your sisters precious time ~smirks~
Sage: ~glares at her~ Anything any of you do seems to be a complete waste of
my time....
Seraphiel: I love you too Cass...
Sage: ~growls~
Seraphiel: Cora is not ment to carry a human seed....yet her true love is human...
how wonderous irony is...He seems to have some humor dont you think ~sarcastic~
But the loss of these little ones....is breaking both their souls...cora was consecrated
for... other beings...
Sage: ~in a scarcastic mannor~ well that was a shocker wasnt it...please tell us
something we dont know...
Seraphiel: but...in order to do this...and I will only do this if Cass agrees...both of
you will lose the facade that you carry now, you will both have to go into hiding until
you regain some of that magic back though you will never look quite as normal as
you are now....it will take some time but you can return after that...
Anael: The only thing worse than not knowing...Is you thinking that I don't know
I'm having another episode...I just need a stronger dose...
Seraphiel: My poor little prince.........~looks at him as he speaks, noticing that
he is more back to his usual nature~ ...you didnt deserve this...
Sage: ~interrupting~ I dont care.....I'm not going to do this for that human....
and I'm certainly not going to help you ~speaking to Anael~ but it will get me the
hell away from that idiotic Hannibal...then fine....be done with it!
Anael: ~he is silent, letting Sage speak, watching Seraphiel as they are all sitting
together, then he nods his head, taking what Sage says as an agreement~
Seraphiel: Speaking as they leave~ Then it will be done......once I grant this wish
your magic will fade rather quickly, so say your goodbyes if you desire...I will find
you later Anael.
-Continued in next reply-
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