
Saturday, April 25, 2015

258. The Prince and The Maidens.. pt 2

by lovelovekitty on Thu May 15, 2008 3:28 am

Minue: *lays down in the grass, her golden eyes staring out, watching things, she tilts her head, and begins to gnaw on a strand of grass*

Cora: ........ I hope everyone is eating lunch allright.. it feels so off to not be there to feed everyone.
P: Eden can just order out again..... ooooo take out.... *tummy grumbles*

Cami: Who wrote the stupid rule saying that princesses don't have penises?! Someone needs to bop that stupid cat for being stupid!!
Jani: Well.... girls are princesses...... boys are princes..... it's a title they are given or inherit..
Cami: Well that's stupid!! and sexy... err sexyist!!

Sparrow: ~arrives with a stick~ speaking of princes.....We are here to save you princesses from the mean old cat..

Cami: Dmitri!! Did you come to save me from the horrible cat prince?! *bats eyelashes*
D: Well of course.... Sparrow said so..... now come on... before he catches us...!!

Cora: *giggles* The little heroes came to raid the camp and steal all the maidens!!

Dmitri: Yeah we're stealing all the hot babes for ourselves!! At least that what Papa said I should do...

Sparrow: *reaches down his hand* Well come on princess..... we have to hurry...
Jani: *giggles* Ok lets go!

Sparrow: Come on Cami!
Jani: What are you waiting for?

Cami: HARRRUMMPH!! And where is your horse Dmitri?! I won't be rescued unless you are going to do it properly WITH. A. HORSE!! Preferably white with a golden saddle!!

D: *sighs* My... horse..... its not big enough..... for this kinda rescue.... *frowns a little* Why can't you just be happy you're being rescued..

Cami: W-wait!! Where are you going!!!
D: Well he's coming back.... and if you don't want rescuing then fine.... stay there.... *walks away*
Cami: Damn you Dmitri!!! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!!!
D: You'll get over it.

Back At The Manor....

Adela: Heh heh heh...

X: Now whats so funny?

Adela: *laughs behind her hand* Hahaha! As you'll notice... I'm the only female he didn't invite. It appears as if he's still holding a grudge! Heheh.. I could turn him back into a cat you know... but this is much more entertaining.

X: your the one that put that curse on him then? ~smirks~ yes well....even though your gloating.................he didnt invite just really dont have any luck with men do you?

Adela: *looks unamused* What is with the people in this house and pointing out the obvious?! Grrrr.... *looks amused again* Well that adorable little Morningstar has went out to try to infiltrate the enemy base... My father too is off in the forest today... hunting for his dinner apparently... let's just hope he's not in the mood for enchanted cat prince... ahahahaha!
X: I just hope Mr. Scary-creepy-snores-so-loud tattooed man that slept in my bed doesnt show up...
Adela: Well you have a creepy tattoo too... so don't go knocking us creepy tattooed people! Blasphemer!
X: OK.... I'm not going to talk to you anymore...

Back In the Woods...

Cami: If Locke were here he'd rescue us.... WITH A PONY EVEN.

P: So if this is a picnic...... where is the food?
Cora: This isn't a real picnic P... it was a ruse so that Witten could lure us out here to kidnap us.

Cora: You know.. if we wanted to.. I bet we could go back to the house... but poor Witten... I did promise him... that I would be his princess... *sighs*

Cora: Hmm? Oh hey!! It's you!

Morningstar: Hey... its Cora right isn't it..... are you guys doing ok?

Morningstar sits down, looking at the two of them~ I just thought i would keep you guys company...
P: Did you bring tasty snacks?!
Star: Well... no sorry...
P: *sighs and pouts* This picnic is no good...
Cora: Witten is going to have a tantrum if he finds you here!!

Witten: I heard my name!! GASSP!! A MAN!!!! Grrr!!!

Witten: Wait a minute..!!! have "flaming homosexual" written all over you!! Huh... well... carry on then... *goes back to patrolling his area*

Eliza: *starts to laugh* Huh...... I was right on that one...

Morningstar: .....!! X.x ..... Hey that's no way to talk to me!

Cora: You're gay?!? Really?!

P: I'm gay too!! I like boys!!!

Cami: What's a momosexual?
Cora: Shhh. Let the man speak!!

Star: -________- Look you can't be gay if you like boys and you're a girl..... only boys that like boys can be gay..... or girls that like girls... nevermind..... wait... why am I explaining this...

Back At The Manor...

Bhudo: How are they? Is everything allright?
Star: Your women are mean..... *frowns a little as he walks up the porch*
V: *starts to laugh* This is funny...
Bhudo: *indignent* Corina doesn't have a mean bone in her.... well... she did almost murder Locke... >.> nevermind...

Star: Well they were picking on me... *sighs* nevermind.....

Adela: Oh Morningstar~~~ *sneaks her hand around his shoulder*
Star: now what.....

Adela: Oooh!! Sweetie~! I was so worried that big ugly mean cat prince had spilt your adorable blood all over the grass out there!! You took so long!

Star: Look I did already explain to you before..... I don't like women.... you know that.... you even talked to Rune..... why are you doing this to me.... *grumbles*
Adela: Oh stop playing hard to get!! Teehee~

To be continued... in part three tomorrow!

((P.S. Rune is Morningstar's boyfriend of sorts he met on DOA))

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